Own a Painting
Painting Size and Price
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Simple maple floater frames (as in photo at left) are available at an additional fee for most oil paintings and prices are based on size. See below for current frame pricing.
Sales Tax
I collect New York State/City sales tax of 8.875% for all sales that occur in New York City; 6.35% if I ship to Connecticut. There is no sales tax if I sell or ship anywhere else.
You are responsible for any shipping costs. I use FedEx and always add 3rd party insurance, which usually amounts to a few extra dollars based on the value of the painting. (Delivery companies will not insure artwork over the value of $100.)
I accept all major credit cards and personal checks, which must clear before you can have your painting.
Payment must be for the exact amount of the sale, including applicable sales tax and shipping costs.
Let’s Get Started- Send me an email!
If you are local, we’ll make an appointment to meet at my studio.
If you are not local, we'll make payment and shipping arrangements.
Schedule a studio visit to check out a painting!
Send me an email: Ella(at)EllaYangStudio.com
Visit my studio: 543 Union Street, Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Frame Prices
Due to rising costs, my prices no longer include a frame, even if it is displayed with one. If you decide to purchase a painting that is already framed, you may request to have it removed. Most common sizes and prices are as follows:
8 x 10 | $ 100
9 x 12 | $ 110
12 x 16 | $ 125
16 x 20 | $ 145
* Maple floater frames with a ⅜” face and ⅞” depth (or 1.5” if a canvas stretcher bar requires it)
Pay in Installments
Hang a painting on your wall before paying for it in full! Visit artinres.com to see my paintings available for purchase with monthly payments spread out for up to 24 months. All paintings on Artinres.com come framed. If you do not see the painting you want, let me know and I will add it to the artinres.com website for you.